Quick Change Device SWV

The Quick-Change-Device (SWV) simplifies the suspension of all types of grabs, including those already available, from one crane or from various cranes in a fleet.

When using the SWV quick coupling or screw coupling should be used for high-pressure hoses.

Further information

  • An enormous amount of setting up time can be saved by using this device if the grab has to be taken down after each load.
  • By using the SWV the driver can change over the attachment without additional help.

Technical details

Type Order no. Description Working Load Limit/WLL (kg) Dead Weight (kg)
SWV below the rotator 46200001 The rotator remains on the cranes in normal circumstances. Always state the type of rotator and crane when upon inquiry 4000 10
SWV above the rotator 46200002 Rotator remains on clamp. Always state the type of rotator and crane when upon inquiry 4000 10


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